Monday, March 9, 2009
January 2009 Ratermans
Ok , the Ratermans drove from Georgia to Miami to watch the Cincinnati game. Mom tried to look up on yahoo, if it was the Cincinnati basketball game or football. What ever the case may be, Is a ll she understood is that Cincinatti lost but everyone had a great time. That goes to show you how mom an dad keep up with sports.
After the game Great Aunt Mary, Great Uncle John, Second Cousin Laura and Second Cousin Carol decided to meet us on I-Drive for a bite to eat before they headed back to Georgia, We ended up meeting them on I-Drive at Fridays for a bite to eat. Everyone looked great and it was so exciting to see everyone. We wish we did not live so far apart. Uncle John when we are older we will be sure to stop in Georgia for a few days to visit before we head to Ohio. At this time mom and dad just think we are to young to be in a car for so long. Thank you for a great lunch, we miss you all and hope to see you soon. .. Laura your voice is beautiful and keep singing and Carol good luck with the golf scholarship.

Uncle Pat comes to visit January 12th - 17th 2009
January 12, 2009 Video of Adam & Sarah
January 12, 2009 Adam and Sarah Videos
I am beginning to walk, as long as I am holding onto something.
Uncle Pat came to visit Adam and I. While daddy and uncle Pat watched football, I decided to do a cheer for them.
Enjoy the Videos! Sorry my video is not that clear!
I am beginning to walk, as long as I am holding onto something.
Uncle Pat came to visit Adam and I. While daddy and uncle Pat watched football, I decided to do a cheer for them.
Enjoy the Videos! Sorry my video is not that clear!
Hanging out with daddy while mommy is in Inidana for Joys wedding January 9th -12th 2009
Dad is in charge! Mom is on a plane to Indiana for Joys wedding. Joy is my moms best friend and they have been friends since grade school. Now with mom gone ... PARTY TIME!
Sarah and I are preparing daddy for a show. See Video!
I am playing jingle bells on the piano, while Adam does his best karaoke. See Video!
Best buds! I just love wrestling and loving on my sister.
It is freezing but not as cold as Indiana. When I talked to mom she told me it was snowing in Indiana and that Joy and her went outside in the hot tub one night! When she got out of the hot tub part of her hair was frozen. I guess she forgot to wear a hat!

The girls went for manicures.
and pedicures, how pretty.

The three amigos.
Mom and Joy enjoying a game a duck pin bowling.
What is duck pin bowling? I had never heard of it or played until I went to Indiana. The game is similar to bowling but the bowl is a little bigger than a base ball and weights a lot more. The ball does not have holes like a bowling ball. The goal is to throw the bowl down the lane and hit objects similar to pins. It was great watching balls being thrown into other lanes and people falling because the floor was so slipper. If you have not tried duck pin bowling you have to give it a shot. Once you try you will want to play all the time. Google duck pin bowling to learn more about it.

Photo of Joy and her husband Greg.

The girls went for manicures.

The three amigos.

Video of Sarah and Adam playing the piano and singing.
Happy New Years Januaray 1, 2009
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