August 15, 2009 Orlando Science Center
The radio has been advertising the Mr. Potato Head Adventure exhibit at the Orlando Science Center for weeks . On my way to school every morning, I informed mom that I wanted to go. Now that mom is feeling like a brand new mommy, she surprised Adam and I and took us. This is the first time we have been to the science center and by the pictures you will see, we had a blast. Mom, Adam and I got into the Science Center for free because we donated moms old cell phone. This was a promotion that they were offering. Mom always says FREE is good!
The kids had a blast today but as a parent I expected the Mr. Potato Head exhibit to be a little better, considering how much the media talked about it. The science center itself is always a blast and since I have taken a number of school field trips here, I new exactly what my children would love to see.
The beginning of the Mr. Potato Head exhibit.
I spent most of my time playing with the black rocks. I enjoyed throwing them in and out of the pit. Don't worry, I only hit my mom a few time!
Next, I ventured to the big slide. I was content climbing up and down the steps because I was not sure about going down the slide. On a few occasion's Sarah and mommy almost got me to go down but I turned right around and ventured back down the steps. Sarah on the other hand had a blast running up the steps (pushing me out of the way) and sliding down the slide numerous times.
Then I ventured over to the fish exhibit. This was right by the slide so mom just stood back and watched Sarah and I play. I still can't figure out how I can see the water but just can't get my hands on it.
More fun stuff... Dinosaur Land. Adam and I spent some time digging for dinosaur bones.
Moving onto the reptiles... Wooo is all I could say while staring at the baby alligators. Sarah was done looking at the alligators so she decided to check out the frogs and turtles.
There is a lizard with the frog mom!
I took a break and ate some fishes while Adam check out all the shells and coral.
WOW! a tunnel just the right size for me to run through. I ran around and around until I got so tired and dizzy that I feel down. Then I wanted to go through it again but decided to be difficult by going in the opposite direction. I could not understand why all the other children kept running me over. I finally changed gears once mom decided to chase me through the tunnel, then it was a game again!
Water time! I finally figured out how to let the boat that is in my hand get through to the other side. This maze was very challenging but fun.
I had more fun getting wet than catching Sarah's boat.
Waiting for Sarah's boat and getting as much water all over me as I can. Mom tried to put a water smock on me but I had no interest in it.
Pizza anyone? Num Num!
Sarah and I enjoying the play area. Mom look.... we are playing really well with each other. Take a close up and frame it!