Three Month Facts!
Mom says: I am a wonderful baby! As long as I am fed, have a clean diaper and get to cat nap, I am happy as a clam. Everyone loves my smile and says I smile all the time. I have been sleeping through the night for about a month now. I am no longer nursing because I require to much food, like 8oz already. My mom could not keep up with my demand, especially once she returned to work in May. I have found my feet and love to hold them. I have just started to roll over. I love my thumb but sometimes take a pacifier. I love to laugh out loud and be tickled but most of all my belly laughs are what make mommy cry! I enjoy going to MiMi (Miss Anna's the lady who watches me). I do not sleep as much as I should because I don't want to miss anything. I really have a blast watching the kids in the pool but what is up with everyone touching my head. Mi Mi really needs to get those kids under control. Until next time!

I found my toes and can't get enough of them! I no longer sleep in the same bed as my mom and dad. I now sleep in a bassinet next to my moms side of the bed. After the Ohio trip my sister is moving into her big girl bed and I am taking her crib. Wish me luck or should I say wish my sister luck!
The beginning stages of me rolling over. I made it all the way over the other day.
Listening to my sister read me the story Brown Bear Brown Bear! She can really read the entire story!
Watching everyone swim at Mi Mi's. I love hanging out in my diaper and playing ball!
I love my thumb can't you tell!