Friday, September 11, 2009
Today is my moms 35 birthday and we are taking her to Magic Kingdom to celebrate. Disney is so cool because when it is your birthday you get into any Disney park for Free. We have been planning this day for months and are so excited to see all the princesses and other characters. Mom told me on the car ride to Disney, that she has not been to Magic Kingdom since she was 6 years old. Mom stayed for week with her Grandma Elaine and Papa Omar and she had a blast. Mom is looking forward to seeing things that she has not seen in YEARS! Not sure who is more excited my mom or me!
It took us about 30 minutes to get our passes because they had to register my mom, since it was her birthday, then give her a pin that said "Today is my birthday" I think the information guy could tell that Adam and I were getting a little impatient, so he brought us a pin that said 1st time visitors. That sure did make our day and now we are on our way! Now dad had Adam and I decide, did we want to ride the boat or the tram. Before I could even answer mom yelled the Tram lets go! We loaded on and by the picture you can see that I am just starring down the Magic Castle. What a cool view!
On the tram ready to spot Mickey Mouse.
It took forever but we finally made it into the Magic Kingdom. Mom has a photo of her and her grandparents in this same spot. She tried to find it but thinks that grandma Nise has it in her photo collection. Once she gets her hands on it, she is going to post it! Now it is time to find the princesses.
Cho Cho.... is one of the few words I do say, however I guess I say this word so much because I love Cho Cho's. We were told by a few of moms friends to hit the back of the park first because the character lines will be shorter the earlier we go. All Aboard here we go........
Our first stop was to see some of the many princesses. We stood in line for less than fifteen minute before seeing Aurora. (SP) Check out my autograph book!
Next the famous Cinderella.
The last princess in the tent was Belle and she was more beautiful in person than on TV. I am having so much fun. A little lost for words but did a lot of observing while each princess spoke to me. Our next stop was to see all the fairies but the line was hour and half long. Since I have never been to the Magic Kingdom we decided to skip it an see what else this fun place has to offer.
We finally made it to the one and only Ariel. She is my favorite princesses and I can't wait to sing to her. While waiting in a very short line, I decided to entertain the people waiting by singing some of the hit songs from the movie.
I am watching my sister singing and admiring the statue of Ariel.
Can you believe that the one and only Ariel is giving me the best hug ever. I did not sing to her but I did just sit and admire her. I sat for so long that one of the park attendants told me that it was time to say goodbye to Ariel. I did not like that to much and begged mom and dad to stand in line again to see her.
Now this is more my speed! I get enough of Ariel at home, so once I saw the carousel I ran to it as fast as I could. Having the time of my life! Oh by the way check out my new hair cut!
Mom and dad (more mom) were convinced that we would see everything in one day and since it was not very crowded we were doing just that. Aladdin here we come!
This was such a cool ride. Once again the line was so short that we rode the ride three time.
On of the main reasons we rode the Magic Carpet ride so many times is because we were waiting for Aladdin and Jasmine. For some reason this line took forever but as you can see we made it. Well I should say I made it because Adam has not interest in any of the princesses he only wants to ride the rides. While I am talking up a storm about how Jasmine is on one of my Crocs, daddy and Adam are enjoying some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I am really hungry but food can wait until I am finished being a little princess myself!
Everyone is hot and slowing done so daddy had a great idea! Lets go see the Country Bear jamboree show. This show he saw at Disney when he was a young boy. Mom does not remember this one but sitting down in a place with AC and listening to some music didn't sound like a bad idea.
As out of date this show may be it sure did keep the audiences attention. Adam and I had a blast dancing, clapping and singing. Well I did most the singing.
Did you catch the time? Only a ten minute wait to go on the ride Its a Small World. This is the only ride my mom wanted to ride. Although some of details have changed since she was a child she still loved it. She mentioned to me that the ride brought back a lot of memories!
Sarah and I checking out all the boats below.
Checking out all this boat ride has to offer. So far we are in AW!
The next stop Dumbo! You can't go to Magic Kingdom without riding the Dumbo ride. This is another ride mom remembers from her childhood visit to MK. Mom and I stayed low for awhile so daddy could get a nice shot of us.
1, 2, 3 GO! Mom was so busy trying to take a picture of me that she did not realize that everyone was ready to go but her. By this time everyone including me was starring her down.
I love the tea cups! My dad had us going pretty fast. I did a lot better on these tea cups opposed to the ones I rode on at Sea World about a year ago, with Aunt Suzy and Uncle Drew a.
We finally got to see Mickey and Minnie. By this time I was getting really restles and tired. Is all want to do is go to sleep.
Another audigraph and now my book is really full.
Family Photo!
By the time we made it to the parade I was out like a light. I was so tired that the rain did not bother me one bit.
While waiting for the parade to start I decided to show off my hula hooping skills. Thank goodness there was something intertaining to do because it ssemed like it took forever for Disney to decide if the parade would be cancelled do to the rain.
To occupy my time I decided to check out the castle. I was not very happy once I found out I could not go into the castle.
What is that I hear? Yep the parade has started and my tears have ended. Since my dad is so tall it was very easy to see all the characters. Three of the characters actually came to talk to me or shake my hand. What a great show!
Mom and dad could not come to the Magic Kingdom without having their picture taken in front of Cinderellas Castle. Mom can't wait to get her hands on some old Disney photos so she can share them with Adam and I. Mommy stood in this very spot about thrity years ago.
Our next stop was to listen to Belles story time. Little did we know that daddy was going to picked to be a part of the story. I bet you can't guess what role he was asked to play. Yep... THE BEAST! At first I did not know what to think watching my dad up on stage but then I just bursted out laughing. Especially when he started dancing with Belle.
Check out the guy on stage in the red shirt. He played the role as Gaston(SP) and we all know what that means, the Beast and him had to fight. Mom said "Oh this is going to be a sight for all to see" Chad had a blast and he fit the role perfectly! From the photo it looks as if Gaston still does not know what to think of the Beast!
Up close and personal with Belle. Belle told me that my dad did a really good job up on stage and that he is a really good dancer.
Lets drive some cars! Not sure if Adam will be tall enough but lets give it a try!
Look I am driving! For some reason we did not get a photo of mommy and Adam together but he did get to go on the cars, he just could not drive.
Mom was not sure if I would be big enough to ride some of the rides over by Space Mountine but to her surprise I made it onto a few. Ready or not lets see how I do on the Buzz Lightyears ride!
I did great on this ride. Just focused on what my dad was doing and all the cool lights. Sarah and mom rode behind because mom was a nervouse nilly because there were a few spots it was really dark and she could not see me. Sarah ended up scoring 236 points and I scored 0 but I who cares about the points I was having fun just watching everything.
Can't enjoy a day at a theme park without some good old high price ice cream.
What a great day. I could not ask for a better way to spend my 35 birthday. Watching the smile on Sarah and Adams face, was more than words can say. At times I felt like a child myself but then again isn't that what Disney is all about. Another cool part of the day was looking around and seeing how many other individuals had 9-11 birthdays. I can not remember being wished happy birthday by as many people as I was today, even Face Book can't beat it!
We decided to take the boat ride back to the car. Check out my cool Ariel necklace my parents got me. Mom has a special necklace she got from her grandparents during her first visit to Disney. Her necklace has Cinderellas castle on it but I can't wear it until I am older because it is about 30 years old and mom does not want anything to happen to it.
Our day has come to an end and as soon as my sister hit her car seat, she was out like a light. Now that I already rested from the nap I took during the parade, my dad and I just hung out listening to music during the car ride home. Oh, I almost forgot, my mom was the second one to dose off. Neither of the girls woke up until ten minutes before we got home. Today was a great day and we can't wait to go back on November 13 for our dads birthday.
Today is my moms 35 birthday and we are taking her to Magic Kingdom to celebrate. Disney is so cool because when it is your birthday you get into any Disney park for Free. We have been planning this day for months and are so excited to see all the princesses and other characters. Mom told me on the car ride to Disney, that she has not been to Magic Kingdom since she was 6 years old. Mom stayed for week with her Grandma Elaine and Papa Omar and she had a blast. Mom is looking forward to seeing things that she has not seen in YEARS! Not sure who is more excited my mom or me!

We decided to take the boat ride back to the car. Check out my cool Ariel necklace my parents got me. Mom has a special necklace she got from her grandparents during her first visit to Disney. Her necklace has Cinderellas castle on it but I can't wear it until I am older because it is about 30 years old and mom does not want anything to happen to it.