Today Adam and I went to Green Meadows Farm with my friend Wyatt and Gavin. We got to feed animals, milk a cow, ride a train and go on a hay ride. At the very end Adam and I had fun in the pumpkin patch. We brought to nice pumpkins home with us too.

This is a photo of me last year October 2007
This is me on the same horse a year later October 2008. I actually have hair! This photo made mommy cry because she realized how fast I am growing up!
Driving the tractor, while I am waiting for my friends Wyatt and Gavin to arrive.
The three musketeers!
So excited to see the animals. I have so much to say! Happy Halloween!
with my friend Gavin.
Gavin and I petting the turkey. Last year I got bit by a Turkey.
It is hard to see but this billy goat is trying to eat my p&j.
Enjoying a pony ride all by myself.
Wyatt is having a blast as well.
We got it mommy. Look daddy!
I can do it all by myself. I am so proud can't you tell.
This is the rest of the gang. Front seat... Gavin and his parents, second seat... Wyatt and his parents, last seat of course is my daddy and me! Mom could not go on the train ride because Adam decided to take a nap. I am glad she got everyone together for a group photo!
Milking a cow. Mommy told me a funny story about this cow. See, a few years ago, before I was around mommy came to the farm with her class. She had a chance to milk the cow and when doing so she got to close to his back end and the cow pooped on her.
Feeding the horse all by myself.