August 2008 Sea WorldSince mommy is a teacher and Adam and I are under 3 years of age, we get into Sea World for free. Daddy bought a pass, which is only $8.00 a month and you can't pass up a deal like that. Today was a perfect day considering all the storms we have been having.
For some reason we had to park really far away. We had to ride the train just to get to the main gate. I really enjoyed the ride but Adam was not to sure what to think. Watching the turtles with my daddy. Looking at the Sea Lion. It was so hungry it almost came up to the glass. This is the Sea Lion that had eyes on me.
Feeding the Sea Lions. I was not crazy about touching the dead fish so I left that job up to my daddy. Can you say Hungry! This was so cool. A girl came out with a cart full of fish. There is a cool video at the end be sure to check it out. Looking at the Penguins. I was more amazed by the guy. I wanted to know if I could go in with the Penguins too. Learning about different types of Penguins.
The Manatee's eating lettuce. I watched this for at least ten minutes. Look how big they are. I got to touch a dolphin for the first time. I got to see a real dolphin for the first time. The dolphin decided to put on a show for sis and I.
Month of August 2008 Just a few photos of my sister and I together. I love to play with my big sis. As a matter of fact I really love her hair. I love it soooo much that I pull it all the time. She tends to scream when I pull it, I wonder what that is all about. Preparing for a bed time story. My sis is feeding me for the first time and she is doing a great job! I love you! I may be the big sister but Adam is starting to look like my older brother. He is already 17 pounds and I am only 23 pounds. Adding money to my piggy bank. I can count all the way to ten then eleventeen, twelveteen, threeteen, and so on.
This blog will hopefully keep everyone up to date with all of our fun filled activities. Please feel free to write a comment under each post. Enjoy!
I am a proud mother of two wonderful children. My Daughter Sarah Marie was born on March 20, 2006 and my son Adam Robert born on March 5, 2008. I am a full time working mom, who teaches kindergarten. I have been married for eight years to my loving husband Chad. He is a dedicated father and husband. He also takes pride working as a fire fighter. We never thought parenthood could be so enjoyable! The best part about being parents is watching our children reach their milestones!