What another busy weekend. Mom sure keeps us busy. Today we had another birthday party to attend. This time we celebrated Wyatt's and Preston's 3rd. Birthday. The theme was dinosaurs. I had a blast in the bounce house while Adam watched from his blanket. He had a few friends his age to hang out with. I had a blast hanging out with my friend Jillian in the bounce house. At the bottom of the page are a few videos of us. After the party we came home and I took a thirty minute nap and was ready to go to the Fall Fest. The Fall Fest is a big event the city of Winter Springs puts on every year. We were surprised this event took place, considering all the budget cuts. While at the event, I painted pumpkins and Adam and I went on a hayride. We would of had our face painted but the weather did not hold. It was ok that it rained because it was time for Adam to go to bed and I was becoming a little fussy myself , considering I only took a thirty minute nap. Tomorrow we are heading to Green Meadows farm with all the Moxie Moms and Dads and can't wait.

Very focused.

Enjoying the hayride.
Who loves Sarah. Aunt Suzy you are going to pee your pants when you hear this. Bounce house fun.