The Birthday fun continues! Mom and dad bought this cool bike attachment! We have a blast watching all the people and wild life pass us by as mom pedals away. Mom has to loose fifteen pounds before her big surgery and riding a bike with the weight of us, will sure do the trick. Sarah and I love it so much, we decided to use this time to catch up on some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Since the weather is great during the evening hours, we have made this a family event. Now mom just needs to decide what she will do once the Florida sun really starts beating down on us. Adam and I may just have to have fun for an hour at the YMCA, or mom will have to get herself out of bed at 5am to go to the YMCA. Either way she will make it happened and meet her goal.
I came home from Ms. Anna's (MI MI"S) and found a huge box filled with birthday gifts for Sarah and I. The box was from Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob. Thanks for the new Tonka truck! I love taking all my sister's Ariel dolls for a ride and dumping them all over the house.
Look at my new princess dress. Mom keeps telling me it is my Easter dress but who can wait another few weeks, I want to wear it now!
My dress even came with a Madeline Alexander doll. Look she is wearing the same dress as me. How cool! I am not sure who likes the doll and dress better, mommy or me. Thanks Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob you have really good taste.
My first set of tools. I am loving the hammer but I am still trying to get used to these crazy things my mom put over my eyes.
Put me to work, I can do it! Thanks for all the cool birthday gifts! Wish you could of come to celebrate, maybe next year!
This blog will hopefully keep everyone up to date with all of our fun filled activities. Please feel free to write a comment under each post. Enjoy!
I am a proud mother of two wonderful children. My Daughter Sarah Marie was born on March 20, 2006 and my son Adam Robert born on March 5, 2008. I am a full time working mom, who teaches kindergarten. I have been married for eight years to my loving husband Chad. He is a dedicated father and husband. He also takes pride working as a fire fighter. We never thought parenthood could be so enjoyable! The best part about being parents is watching our children reach their milestones!