After the Christening, family and friends headed back to grandma Denise and grandpa Bobs house to celebrate. The famous hand made gown and blanket! Can you believe this gown is 109 years old? More famous pictures! Happy baby! I know, I am a boy wearing a dress but because of tradition we will set aside any gender biases! Into comfortable clothes and taking a cat nap!
Playing with my Second Cousin Kristin! Watching my daddy play pool! Love birds. Group prayer before we eat. What a family! For those of you who could not make it you were in my thoughts and prayers. Great meal! It's time for cake and presents!
I gave my Godfather Kevin a picture frame so he can see me everyday! We just need to add the photo! I gave my Godmother a Angel pin!
My cake! Yum Yum Yum! Kristins Happy Cake! She turned 14 today! More happy cake!
I am helping Kristin open her gifts. Awesome christening gifts! More gifts! Thank You for all the great gifts! This is my moms best friend Joy and her soon to be husband Greg. They are getting married on January 10, 2009. Mommy is in the wedding as is sooooo excited!
This blog will hopefully keep everyone up to date with all of our fun filled activities. Please feel free to write a comment under each post. Enjoy!
I am a proud mother of two wonderful children. My Daughter Sarah Marie was born on March 20, 2006 and my son Adam Robert born on March 5, 2008. I am a full time working mom, who teaches kindergarten. I have been married for eight years to my loving husband Chad. He is a dedicated father and husband. He also takes pride working as a fire fighter. We never thought parenthood could be so enjoyable! The best part about being parents is watching our children reach their milestones!