More fun during the Ohio Trip. The question is do I miss my mommy yet? Playing the piano, feeding horses, play date, and visiting great grandpa Al. Mom says I look like a natural in this photo. I had so much fun playing the piano at my great aunt Cathy's house. I even had some time to create my own sheet music!
My grandma took me to her friends Belinda's house. Enjoying a healthy snack with a new friend.
See Belinda neighbors have horses I had some fun visiting with them.
A group shot!
I am trying so hard to pump.... forget the photo and come give me a push please!
Monkey.... Monkey.....
Great Grandpa Al, Grandpa Bob and I!
More shots of us at Great Grandpa Al's home.
Check out the videos. I am up close and personal with the horses. What an experience!
This blog will hopefully keep everyone up to date with all of our fun filled activities. Please feel free to write a comment under each post. Enjoy!
I am a proud mother of two wonderful children. My Daughter Sarah Marie was born on March 20, 2006 and my son Adam Robert born on March 5, 2008. I am a full time working mom, who teaches kindergarten. I have been married for eight years to my loving husband Chad. He is a dedicated father and husband. He also takes pride working as a fire fighter. We never thought parenthood could be so enjoyable! The best part about being parents is watching our children reach their milestones!
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