So far the month of July has been filled with my School Party, Coloring Easter Eggs, Bath Fun, Visiting Family at Clearwater Beach, Enjoying Easter With The Family and Attending The Lake Mary/Heathrow Relay For Life.
Friday, April 17, 2009
After mom got home from work, we headed out to the Relay for Life event. This is an event that mom and dads work have participated in for the past four years. My sister has attending the last few years but I am the rookie here.

Daddy bought us glow necklaces. This is a good teething ring thanks!

Happy Easter April 12, 2009
We are off to church. We wish everyone one a safe and Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Today mommy and I drove to Clearwater Beach to visit my Great Uncle Don, Great Aunt Cathy, Second Cousin Kritin and David. The plan was for Daddy and Adam to join us but Adam had was really sick. So the boys stayed home and rested and the girls went sun bathing.

Friday, April 10, 2009
My school party!
Now that I am in school, I get to enjoy all types of party's. For our Spring party, I enjoyed coloring eggs, going on a egg hunt and visiting with the bunny. My teacher Mrs. Christine bought my friends and I the cool shades we are wearing. I had a blast on the egg hunt and could not believe how many goodies I got. By the way, the basket I am holding is not mine. Thank goodness my teacher had extra baskets because mom left mine at home on the counter. Our mornings can get a little crazy. Mom starts her morning at 5:45 in order to get herself, Adam and I ready. We are out the door by 7:15, to Mi Mi's by 7:30am and then to school by 8:00am.
These are all my friends. Believe it or not, I am one of the youngest ones!
After mom picked me up from Mi Mi's, Sarah and I had a blast coloring eggs. Since it was such a nice night out, mom decided to take this project outside. Thank goodness she did because I was not interested in coloring eggs. Instead, all I wanted to do was roll, break, and eat the eggs.
Just one of the many pictures mom has of me destroying eggs.
Sarah on the other hand had the time of her life decorating eggs.
My hands are proof that I had a blast coloring eggs. Mom thinks my hands will stay green until the end of April. I think the bath bubbles will take the green away.
Look at all my hard work, which of course I did all by myself. Mom says I am her Mrs. Independent, what ever that means.

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