My six month appointment went really well. I got all my shots, cried just a little and did not run a fever. I weigh 17 pound 2 ounces and am 27 and half inches long. I am 90 percentile for height and 50 percentile for weight. I have two bottom teeth and two top teeth coming in. I roll over, and push myself all over the floor. I am not yet crawling but almost got the hang of it. I am sitting up for short periods of time. Mom is making my some of my food, mostly fruits and I usually eat store bought vegetables. I have eaten, peaches, pears, avocado, peas, bananas, sweet potato's, applesauce, and green beans; which I am not a fan of at all! I smile and laugh all the time, overall I am a very, very happy baby.

Sorry, but ma ma could not get the video adjusted for better viewing.
And such an adorable six month old!
Jen, he is really and truly adorable. Tehy both are. I can't believe he is already 6 months old. Going on 7 I guess. SAylro is 8 going on 9. Incredible, so much faster this time.
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