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Sat. June 13, 2009 Garage Sale Sun. June 14, 2009 Fire Fighter Challenge
Saturday, Junt 13, 2009The weekend always seem to be packed full of events. I am excited summer has finally arrived. I will miss my friends over the summer but glad school is out!
While mom and dad slaved over the garage sale Saturday and Sunday, my neighbors Katey, Caroline and I decided to sell some lemonade. The garage sale was a huge sucess and I sold a few of my own toys and tones of my old clothes. I had a blast putting the money I made from the lemonade sale into my piggy bank. Sunday, June 14, 2009On Sunday, after the garage sale the family packed up and headed towards I-Drive to watch daddy participate in the Orlando Fire Fighter Challenge.
While daddy was warming up for his event, I decided to have a starring contest.
This was to funny. Adam stood for at least 30minutes and just stared at this couple. He did not say a word and little expression, he just kept starring. Within the first 15 minutes everyone was laughing, including the couple. By now, I am starting to get imbarresed because he has never done such a thing. I wanted to know what in the world he was thinking about and why he was so intreaged. Anyway, I wish I had this event on video because I would of sent it into the Worlds Funniest Videos show.
Hanging out with the men and checking out the other team.
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