Father's Day, Sunday, June 21, 2009 Happy Father's Day Daddy! The morning started out with Sarah and wrestling on the couch.This is one of those photo's I will frame!
I love you Adam!
Sarah and I are sad that daddy had to work on Father's day, there should be a law against this. Although, if daddy saw the couch right now he would have a fit! Don't worry we will have it cleaned up an hour before you get home. If daddy only knew what mommy let us get away with while is working!
A am having fun making daddy a Father's day cake.My proud boy, his face says it all!
Look I can write my name. Mommy had to help me write Happy Father's Day. I think daddy is going to love his cake.
Team work, what's going to work? Team work! I love this song.
Since daddy had to work today we decided to surprise him at the fire station. I painted my foot at school and my teacher put this frame together for daddy. I just love the expression on Sarah's face.
I love my daddy so..... much!
All smiles.... I love you daddy!
We can't visit the fire station without playing on the trucks!
This blog will hopefully keep everyone up to date with all of our fun filled activities. Please feel free to write a comment under each post. Enjoy!
I am a proud mother of two wonderful children. My Daughter Sarah Marie was born on March 20, 2006 and my son Adam Robert born on March 5, 2008. I am a full time working mom, who teaches kindergarten. I have been married for eight years to my loving husband Chad. He is a dedicated father and husband. He also takes pride working as a fire fighter. We never thought parenthood could be so enjoyable! The best part about being parents is watching our children reach their milestones!
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