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We finally made it to Seuss Landing, which is located in Island of Adventure. Mom and dad can't believe Adam and I have made it this long. Why wouldn't we... We are having the time of our life. This park did not have much for Adam and I to do but don't worry, when we are a little older we will come back. I really wanted to go on the Spiderman ride but I was just not tall enough. I threw a fit because Spiderman is one of my new found heroes. My fit ended once we arrived to Seuss Landing!
Going to Seuss Landing last was a great idea because there were only a few rides we could ride. Considering Adam and I were getting a little tired I have to say, mom and dad planned it right. Little did I know, that the only reason they did plan it this way was because some American Idol girl (Kelly Clarkson) (SP) was playing at Universal Studios and they did not want us to get caught up in the chaos. When we entered Seuss Landing my eyes got as big as baseballs. The excitement was written all over my face, which could not stop me from running I got to the Seuss Landing sign. Enjoy the photos.
1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Mom and I stood in line for about 25minutes. This was really hard for me to do. First off, I do not like to wait. Second, Give me a break I just turned three, I still do not understand why I can't get on the ride when it stops, even though there are people in front of us. Once I got on the ride, I had a blast. I did not mind the water a bit. Mom and I laughed so much and daddy took some great photos. Mom said she was having so much fun watching me on the ride, she forgot to listen to the directions. This is why I was so wet when we got off the ride. Dad told me the reason we are so wet is because mom was so hot she needed to cool off. Either way, we had fun and I wanted to ride it again. That was until I saw all the Dr. Seuss characters.
The one and only Cat and -in the Hat. I recognized him right away because mommy and I read his books all the time.
I had a blast listening to the Dr. Seuss story. Adam on the other hand did not know what to think of the show. He just stayed with mommy and daddy.
Not sure what to think! The Grinch and I had a staring contest and I won.
Trying to have another staring contest but One Thing and Two Thing were just interested in looking at daddy while he took a photo. There goes my sister again, all smiles. What is she so happy about.
Adam decided to eat a snack while daddy and I rode a ride together.
By 5pm everyone was hungry, hot and tired. I decided to chase the water so I could cool down. I got so wet that mom had to change me from head to toe. Which included my shoes. so as much as I wanted to walk out of the park, I had to ride in the stroller. We had a great time and can't wait to come again. I bet you think our day has come to an end. Nope! Mom and dad always have something up their sleeves. See Daddy got a last minute invitation to a family fun firefighter party. Mom was a little hesitant about attending because she thought Adam and I would be a mess but we proved her wrong. We slept in the car during the hour drive, once we arrived to the party at 6pm, to moms surprise, we had our second wind. We ate, played and by the time 9pm rolled around we were ready for bed. I hope you enjoyed hearing about the Chorak's family fun day. Miss everyone and can't wait to see you soon!
We have had another crazy weekend and this time I mean crazy. Friday night we went to the Disney live show to celebrate my third birthday. Then my mom, Adam and I woke up really earlier on Saturday morning so we could leave for our short trip to South Carolina. I mean short trip because we are leaving Saturday and coming home on Sunday since mom and dad have to be at work on Monday. Did I mention why we are taking such a crazy short trip? Oh, we are going to see my cousin Jude for the first time and to celebrate his Christening. And of course we will see Uncle Greg, Aunt Andrea, Grandma Denise and Grandpa Bob. Well, Plans did go according to plan because daddy arrived home a little late from his shift. He was really tired too because he ran calls all night. Thank goodness the drive is not that long. Well 5 hours may be a little long for Adam considering this is his first real rode trip. We don't need to mention how many rode trips and plane rides I have taken. Adam really has some catching up to do. We finally got on the road around 10am and arrived around 3pm. We only made one stop and that was for lunch. Great timing Dad! Adam and I were very good during the trip, we just hung out and read books, slept and watched our DVD's. Once we arrived the real adventure began. Enjoy the photos.
Daddy and I taking everything in!
Holding my cousin Jude for the first time!
My dad is having fun making Jude laugh. It is weird hearing mommy call daddy Uncle Chad!
This is the first time Grandma and Grandpa held all three of their grandchildren at the same time. This was a very special moment for them.
All the cousins together.
Tonight is the Beaufort Twilight Run and Oyster Roast. Grandpa Bob, Uncle Greg, Aunt Andrew and Adams God Father Kevin are going to run in it. This photo is just a preview of me getting grandpa ready for the big race.
The gang ready to run!

Grandma Denise, daddy, and I are cheering everyone on. Adam came along but he is hiding behind grandma in the stroller.
On your mark... get set.... GO!