Sunday, March 8, 2009

We are home! December 31, 2008

We are at home! December 31, 2008
When I walked into our house this is what I saw. My very own kitchen that Santa left for me!
Santa left Adam a piano that I really like as well.

Thank you Uncle Pat and Aunt Hilary for the Little Pony.

Thank you for the Elmo Drive I love all the noises it makes.
December is over and mom is going to get busy working on January considering it is already March.


The Life and Times of Poose and Hawk said...

Reeder absolutely LOVES my little pony! I'm sure Sarah will get the obsession, too! Happy Birthday to both of you, sorry we couldn't celebrate with all of you-I hear it was a great time!

Bar-b said...

Love her kitchen!!!! Happy Birthday Adam!!!! I don't get tired of telling you how beautiful your kids are. Sarah looks like a bunch of fun and Adam is delicious!!!!