I will be 8 months old on November 5th. Good news for me… I can start eating baby yogurt and a lot of what mom and dad eat mashed into pieces I can handle. I am much more interested in their food now than my bland baby food so this should make me very happy. We are still trying the sippy cup with no luck yet, I still just plays with it. I still only have my front two bottom teeth, but I can feel that my top two are ready to come out any day now.
New things I am up to these days:
Pulling myself up onto everything
Crawling like a champ
Talking a lot and very loud but no consonant sounds yet
Likes to pull Sarah's hair and take her toys away from her
I Smile around new faces
I Laugh at puppets and talking stuffed animals
I Grin very big and gets really excited when dad comes home from work.
Finally, I have a designer wardrobe now thanks to Grandma Denise and Grandpa Bob

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