Today was a very busy day. Right when we woke up, mom and I made the finally touch ups to my friend Jillian's birthday gift. Her party was yesterday but the gift we are making for her, has taken a little longer than we expected. Gerry and Jillian came over in the mid afternoon so Jillian could open her gift. We made her a big, big, big princess blanket. My second cousin made me a blanket similar to the one we made Jillian and I love it. Gerry and Jillian really liked it too, so we thought what a great gift to give Jillian. Now see, this was our first adventure in making the blanket. The only information we had to go by was the model of my blanket and the few pointer's the Jo Ann sale lady gave us. All in all, mom and I think it came out very nice. In fact, I wanted to keep it for myself. Since mom and I did such a great job, we are officially going to make this a side business. (Thanks Gerry for the great idea). In fact mom has already sold one to a co-worker. If your interested just let us know and we will get right to work.
After Gerry and Jillian left we went to the fire station. Pictures to follow!

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