Santa came and he ate my cookies and drank my milk! Be sure to check out Adam and my matching PJ"S
I am in love with the paper.

My school had a Santa workshop so I could buy gifts for my family. I took $10.00 from my piggy bank to buy mom, dad, grandma and grandpa something for Christmas. On Christmas morning I gave grandma a pin that says grandma on it and I gave grandpa a pen that says grandpa.

I am done playing with the paper and ready to play with my cars! Vroom!!!!

Hanging out with Aunt Suzy and Uncle Drew Watching the Christmas Parade! I love oranges!

A true Christmas smile! Do you like the cut on my head? I decided to take Sarah's stroller for a drive and I wanted to go left and it wanted to go right and in the end the stroller won.

Watching all the entertainment in the kitchen!

Uncle Drew, Great-Aunt Lisa and Great Uncle Robert!
The winner is!
Celebrating Christmas dinner with lots of family!
and more family!

The winner is!


Celebrating Christmas dinner with lots of family!

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